Enjoy a 10% discount on our Seasonal cleanse. Sign up and receive a jar of organic honey handmade by our bees.
Ayurvedic Seasonal Cleansing focuses on removing the toxins and excess in the Vata, Pitta, and Kapha doshas from the digestive tract.
A cleanse may restore:
- Calmness to the nervous system
- Rekindle your digestion
- Improve mental clarity
- Restore energy and vitality
- Help you maintain a healthy weight
- Improve sleep quality
- Promote healthy elimination
Our Seasonal Cleanse, "Meet The Fabulous Mung Bean" focuses on providing you the guidance, education and understanding of why we need to cleanse seasonally and how best to achieve a successful cleanse experience. Spring is a perfect opportunity to cleanse, as our bodies are coming out of a heavy and long winter where the body has slowed down. Learn how your body is designed to respond to changes in the seasons and how you can help yourself through cleansing to transition into better health for the Fall and Winter season.
The price of your 5 day Cleanse includes:
- Pre-cleanse Sangha (get together) @ The Bee Keeper's House
- Cleanse Kit (a $95.00 value)
- Cleanse Kit Hand Book
- 20 minute, Pre-cleanse phone call. (to help determine if a Cleanse is recommended at this time)
- Daily check-in and support
- Restorative yoga and meditation @ The Bee Keeper's House
During our Pre-Cleanse Sangha meeting (at The Bee Keeper's House) we will give you all you need to properly and safely do a home cleanse that is tailored just for you. General guidelines include instructions on self massage, how to make kitchari (your mono-diet for the cleanse) and which herbs or oils to take to enhance the process. Gentle yoga postures and mediation will also be recommended.
Releasing toxins from your body will help you to make the right choices and find clarity. Ayurvedic detoxing increases your immunity, balances digestive issues and gives you a fresh start.